Starlight Resources
Your greatest competitive advantage isn't in your balance sheet. It's in your people. Sadly, too many business leaders overlook this fact.
Your people are the driving force behind every milestone, every success story your company achieves. This makes investing in your workforce much more than a strategy to reduce turnover. Dare we say, it is the secret to long-term growth.
Investing in Your Greatest Asset: Your People
Welcome to Stellar Consulting’s
Starlight Resources.
Here, you can browse our latest articles, along with a large archive of podcasts and videos, to support you with unlocking your full potential to shine. Browse below or select from one of the categories in the dropdown list.
Managing people remotely - a client perspective
Hear from a client’s perspective about the challenges of working with and managing a team of 10 people in remote locations.
Insights on Culture, Wellness and People & Performance Management in a COVID-19 world
Discover some of the learnings from working with and managing people in the current Covid-19 economic climate, as well as challenges with performance management, mental well-being and how to strike the right work life balance when many are working from home.
The business’s financial position and identifying key business metrics
What are the right metrics for your business and how can these metrics guide new investment decisions?