Starlight Resources
Your greatest competitive advantage isn't in your balance sheet. It's in your people. Sadly, too many business leaders overlook this fact.
Your people are the driving force behind every milestone, every success story your company achieves. This makes investing in your workforce much more than a strategy to reduce turnover. Dare we say, it is the secret to long-term growth.
Investing in Your Greatest Asset: Your People
Welcome to Stellar Consulting’s
Starlight Resources.
Here, you can browse our latest articles, along with a large archive of podcasts and videos, to support you with unlocking your full potential to shine. Browse below or select from one of the categories in the dropdown list.
Aligning Employee Behaviour with Your Company Values
How can values and behaviour in the workplace effectively complement each other? Stellar offers six strategies that any small business owner can implement.
How Does Behaviour Shape Your Company Culture?
Every business should aim to cultivate a strong organisational culture, and paying closer attention to employee behaviour is a guaranteed way to achieve this feat.
What you sell and how you sell is the foundation of success: building profitability and equity value
What products you sell, how you sell them, and why customers buy them is often misunderstood. Here is how you can better understand the product foundation of your business and drive equity value in your business.
Time is money: where are you spending yours?
Don’t let business growth drain your most valuable resource: time.
What’s in your toolkit? Having the right tools makes lighter work of tough tasks.
Same with carpentry, running a business requires takes more than mere knowledge in the field. An effective business leader would have access to the proper tools and experience in maximising their use.
Understanding your why: knowing your purpose and rallying others to the cause
A clear and defined purpose provides clarity and power for fast-growth businesses. Here’s how to create yours.
Deal with the sickness, not the symptom in your business growth
How to uncover the real issues that are consuming your energy, and how to stop wasting time on them.
COVID-19 and its impact on business - An international (UK) perspective. Plus series roundup.
What insights can we glean when looking at business experiences from the other side of the globe?
COVID-19 and its impact on business - An international (Hong Kong) perspective
We discuss some of the differences in the way Hong Kong responded to COVID-19 and what that meant for businesses in the region.